Inner thigh workout for women
Welcome back to TYDK today were doing the perfect inner thigh workout most question today that everyone to know is how do I change this thigh gap, is there any inner thigh that I can perform at home? Today we give some best inner thigh workout to help you get those strong and sexy thigh all you have to do is get your workout outfit and lets get started.
7 best inner thigh workout for home fitness
Inner thighs as requested by the followers. Grab a towel, or sliders or a paper plate (if you’re on carpet) & let get to work and repeat it for 4 sets and you can like our page for daily workout video tips.
1. Single Leg Slide Out Ham Curl
(slide leg out to staring, swing out to side then back & heel in) for 8 Reps each side.
2. Plank Single Leg Slides
(in plank on forearms, leg straight whole time, slide it out to side, try to at least reach hip height) for 8 Reps each side.
3. Squat Hold Slides
(hold squat, slide leg out to side & back in, try not to raise or lower, stay very still except for active leg) for 8 Reps each side.
4. Sliding Side Lunges
(start standing, squat down & slide leg out to side, then pull it back in & up to stand again) fr 8 Reps each leg.
5. Bent Over Sliding Side Lunges
(same as above, except finger tips on ground, try not to let back sag, proud chest, good posture whole time) for 8 Reps each Side.
6. Wide Criss Cross Hops
(alternate which foot crosses in front, land wide) for 8 Reps.
7. Wide Heel Tap Squat Jumps
(start wide, hop & tap heels, land wide)