Legs workout for women
Hi guys welcome to TYDK, today we are ready to do the best home fitness workout to toned our legs because we are sure you are happy to be healthy and fit and this workout will help us to get there so get ready and make sure you have water by your side to drink.
Leg exercises using your own body weight to get those perfect toned legs! We have a video below to show you HOW to use your own body weight to get those perfect toned legs! Want to learn HOW to get perfect toned legs? Like our Facebook page in order to keep you updated for our daily videos. In workout video we show you how to to work your legs using your own body weight. You can do it!
There are no particular requirements for this legs home fitness workout it can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. you just need to know how to properly perform the exercise.
7 best home fitness workout for legs
1. Forward-Side Lift-Side Lunge
(leg straight, lift to front, lift to side, step into side lunge) for 8 Reps each Leg.
2. Reverse Lunge Knee Up Kick
(reverse lunge, bring knee up at 90degress then kick foot out, I like to sorta reach w/ my opposite hand) for 8 Reps each Leg.
3. Big Reverse Lunge Straight Kick
(notice it's a bigger step back than #2, bring leg straight up into kick) for 8 Reps each Leg.
4. Curtsy Ninja Kick
(back into curtesy lunge, then bring leg up to side as high as you can & kick out) for 8 Reps each Leg.
5. Side to Side Squat Hops
(stay low, move quickly) for 10 Reps.
6. Reverse Lunge Knee Up Hop
(reverse lunge, then bring knee up & hop lightly up) for 8 Reps each Leg.
7. Step Back Straight Hop
(step back slightly, then kick leg straight & hop lightly) for 8 Reps each Leg.