Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Simple abs workout for ladies 

Hi guy welcome to TYDK, today we are going to workout your lower abs and to lift glute at your butt and its gonna be great because it takes only 15 minutes to complete this home fitness workout also we gonna do this by 20 seconds long per exercise and 5 seconds transition for the next move and alternate between abs workout and glute workout. So all in all there are 6 variation workout for abs and butt but first we make sure you have water beside you for you to drink after working out.

6 home workout for butt and abs

The first thing we gonna do is to perform the butt workout then the abs is the next.

1. Side kick

For this move or workout you make sure our body is facing down and you gonna keep your legs raise the whole time and you gonna try to kick out for 12 reps for each legs, If you you are a beginner you can do it just for 20 seconds per leg. You can watch the video below for the proper position of this workout. 

2. Heel pops

You gonna flip over for this workout and put your feet upright and try to pop up your legs slowly into the sky but make sure you control the way down your legs just don't bang down you butt to the ground. Use your abs to slowly going back to the ground so that you feel the burn at your abs.

3. Scorpion

After doing the Heep pops we gonna flip back over again like side kick position, but this time use your legs like a scorpion tail and point your toes upward and try to reach up for 12 reps like a scorpion tail and squeeze  your but when you reach to the maximum range of motion.

4. Tap outs

For this position make sure your leaning back and your elbow is bent backwards and your abst still left in you core and hold tight and you gonna top your toes outside and top in out of the mat and your legs gonna bent a little bit and focusing that point back to your spine keeping your abs engage.

5. Straight pulse

This workout is like doing a scorpion but this time your legs is straight and you going to up your legs until you feel reach your range then control your legs when you down same thing like heel pops you don't need to banging your legs to the ground like we use to.

6. Hip hops

This is the last thing we gonna do, put your legs upward like 90 degree and make sure your back is on the ground and put your hand beside you and gonna pop your legs up to the maximum range you can reach.

Now you can start the 15 minutes workout that a super quick home fitness workout and hopefully you feel the burn by doing this home workout, you can also done this workout without using  ankle weight like the video below but if you want more challenge you can add the weight if you like.

15 minutes abs workout from home

Home fitness 15 minutes butt and abs workout for ladies

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Welcome back to TYDK guys, you are here now because you want to lose weight right? today we try figure it out how to reduce your body fat because good things happen when you have low body fat percentage, you feel better you look better your healthier right? We telling you there is no downside to having a low body fat percentage, the problem is that there is information overload out there whether or not it's on YouTube whether or not it's on the web servicing things, whether or not it's on the magazines telling about losing weight. today we try to step in and offer you a tips on how you can lose weight in healthier way.   

Simple daily program to lose weight at home without going to gym. 

The number one thing you can do to reduce your body fat percentage the fastest and easiest because everybody likes easiest and a safest is to do cardio first thing in the morning when you wake up on an empty stomach. Doing cardio first thing in the morning for 30 minutes is the equivalent to doing it for an hour and a half later in the day and here's why? because first day in the morning your body is as empty and free of calories as it's gonna be because you been essentially pasting the entire time we been asleep. So when you wake up your empty and your bodies depleted and so when you start doing cardio that depleted your body is able to get right into your fat stores or utilize the fatty acids as the energy to keep you going, but the only way that gonna happen is if you're working out and doing their cardio in your target zone the way you find that it's a simple calculation is down below you take 220 minus your age and you got a number I really need to know that number is your 100% heart rate reserve all right? 

For example: 
Example: My Age is 22 
220-22= 198 
198 x .6 = 118.8 (lower range) 
198 x .75 = 148 (upper range) 

If you workout with this heart rate between 118 and 148 then you are using fatty acids to keep you going. your body it doesn't want to give up that fat the reason is because that fat is actually stored energy. But you can actually lose that fat just by doing a simple thing getting up earlier going to doing cardio. Now you could walk around your neighborhood whatever you need to do in order to get your heart rate in that zone and I know that there's so much information out there about people talking to each other telling something about losing weight that you need to eat after you workout so that you can rebuild those those energy your lose during your cardio. 

You heard the term muscle memory? its about muscle memory like if you don't workout for a while it comes back really fast you know why? because the muscle tissue that you working out it doesn't go away it simply shrink little bit then you start pumping it up giving a muscle glucose and glycogen and swells right back up. Just remember that muscle is not like a snowflakes you need to work hard in order to lose fat. 

How to lose weight without going to gym

Welcome back to TYDK, today we will show the most essential things that you can transform your home into a small gym. So what is the first thing we need to do is to determine what best workout equipment available in the market. More and more home fitness lover already turn their home into a workout place , some ladies are turning to their own home gyms as their place to do all of their workouts. The biggest question however is, what is the best home gym equipment  fit for you in order to get in a great workout at home?

In this article we cover 4 essential home gym equipment pieces and provide you with options depending on your budget. In fact, you can turn any home gym into the ultimate home gym if you have the right exercise equipment.

So here are the 4 best gym equipment hat you can have at home.

Why utility bench is included to our list? Its simple because the most useful home fitness equipment for home is a bench since we can do a lot of types of exercises on it. And among the them the best is definitely the incline decline bench since we can change the angle of the board that let us to perform even more types of workouts including incline bench press using dumbbells.

You can buy this equipment online for cheaper price,  using this home fitness equipment you can do standard chin up, behind neck pull up and normal chi up to improve your back.

We included resistance band to the list because even though you don’t have dumbbells available at your home you can use this equipment as alternative to dumbbells,  you can do almost 30 workouts exercises from this small equipment. The most common types of bands include tube bands with handles, loop bands (aka giant rubber bands), and therapy bands. You can check this website for exercises using resistance band 

The last one is dumbbells even though we include resistance band as a alternative to dumbbells, dumbbells with adjustable weights is better to use during workout specially when you working out your chest and shoulder.  Adjustable dumbbells give you the ultimate in home workout freedom. They allow for progressive overload while providing the best in home dumbbell workouts with the right home dumbbell exercises. If your budget is tight, simply head to Walmart and get two or three pairs that are far enough apart to accommodate your varied strength levels on different exercises.

The list above is just for those athlete with small budget if you have more budget then you definitely buy Dumbbells that you can fit in any home and adjust from 5 to 95 lbs in just seconds at a fraction of the cost of regular dumbbells.

Home fitness equipment that fit to your budget

Monday, July 4, 2016

Legs workout for women

Hi guys welcome to TYDK, today we are ready to do the best home fitness workout to toned our legs because we are sure you are happy to be healthy and fit and this workout will help us to get there so get ready and make sure you have water by your side to drink.

Leg exercises using your own body weight to get those perfect toned legs! We have a video below to show you HOW to use your own body weight to get those perfect toned legs! Want to learn HOW to get perfect toned legs? Like our Facebook page in order to keep you updated for our daily videos. In workout video we show you how to to work your legs using your own body weight. You can do it!

There are no particular requirements for this legs home fitness workout it can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. you just need to know how to properly perform the exercise.

7 best home fitness workout for legs

1. Forward-Side Lift-Side Lunge 

(leg straight, lift to front, lift to side, step into side lunge) for 8 Reps each Leg.

2. Reverse Lunge Knee Up Kick 

(reverse lunge, bring knee up at 90degress then kick foot out, I like to sorta reach w/ my opposite hand) for 8 Reps each Leg.

3. Big Reverse Lunge Straight Kick 

(notice it's a bigger step back than #2, bring leg straight up into kick) for 8 Reps each Leg.

4. Curtsy Ninja Kick 

(back into curtesy lunge, then bring leg up to side as high as you can & kick out) for 8 Reps each Leg.

5. Side to Side Squat Hops 

(stay low, move quickly) for 10 Reps.

6. Reverse Lunge Knee Up Hop 

(reverse lunge, then bring knee up & hop lightly up) for 8 Reps each Leg.

7. Step Back Straight Hop

(step back slightly, then kick leg straight & hop lightly) for 8 Reps each Leg.

Home fitness leg workout for women

Best arm workout for women

Hi welcome back to TYDK, today were going to perform a beginner arm workout with weights for upper arm because we are going to lose those fat or what we call bingo arms, we try to show you these simple home workout using light weights or you can use 5 lbs or you can usually use rubber resistance if you don't have dumbbells at home, make sure you water by your side to drinks after workouts and towels also.

There are no particular requirements for this arm home fitness workout it can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women, you just need to know how to properly perform the equipment using 5 lb dumbbells for this exercises, we also provide video below for instruction. 

7 arm workout for women to get those arms tank top approved!

Who says biceps curls are for dudes only? Here's why every lady should be training her biceps and triceps for stronger, better-looking arms!

1. Hammer Curl Cross Touch

(curl weight up hammer style & bring it over to lightly tap opposite side of chest) for 8 Reps each Arm.

2. Twisting Curl Press Back

(notice I show you to grip with palms facing back of room, twist & curl weights to chest, then untwist & straight arm press your whole arms back away from you, this part hits triceps & backs of arms) for 10 Reps.

3. Bent Over Side Kick Backs 

(keep core tight, elbow cocked out slightly to side, away from body, kick back weight) for 8 Reps each Arm.

4. Squat Concentration Curls.

(hold deep squat, knees wide, toes out, let active elbow rest against inside of leg, curl)for  8 Reps each Side

5. Weight Forward Dips 

(hands on weights, palms face down to floor, bend elbows to dip to floor then back up, notice body stays tight, don't allow excessive bend in torso or dip) for 12 Reps.

6. Modified Triceps Push Ups 

(again look at body staying nice & tight, no sever dips in lower back, core tight, lean way over weights, look at ground) for 10 Reps

7. Floor Triceps Dips 

(preferably don't use weights that can roll, alternate lifting legs as you bend elbows to dip butt to touch floor) for 10 Reps

Home fitness arm workout for women

Inner thigh workout for women

Welcome back to TYDK today were doing the perfect inner thigh workout most question today that everyone to know is how do I change this thigh gap, is there any inner thigh that I can perform at home? Today we give some best inner thigh workout to help you get those strong and sexy thigh all you have to do is get your workout outfit and lets get started. 

Get your inner thigh gap with this home fitness workout thigh gap video program. Carmen Morgan shows you how to tone thighs to create more inner thigh clarity in just 10 minutes! Join in on the exercise routine and blow the thigh gap challenge out of the water!

7 best inner thigh workout for home fitness

Inner thighs as requested by the followers. Grab a towel, or sliders or a paper plate (if you’re on carpet) & let get to work and repeat it for 4 sets and you can like our page for daily workout video tips.

1. Single Leg Slide Out Ham Curl 

(slide leg out to staring, swing out to side then back & heel in) for 8 Reps each side. 

2. Plank Single Leg Slides 

(in plank on forearms, leg straight whole time, slide it out to side, try to at least reach hip height) for 8 Reps each side. 

3. Squat Hold Slides 

(hold squat, slide leg out to side & back in, try not to raise or lower, stay very still except for active leg) for 8 Reps each side. 

4. Sliding Side Lunges 

(start standing, squat down & slide leg out to side, then pull it back in & up to stand again) fr 8 Reps each leg. 

5. Bent Over Sliding Side Lunges
(same as above, except finger tips on ground, try not to let back sag, proud chest, good posture whole time) for 8 Reps each Side. 

6. Wide Criss Cross Hops 

(alternate which foot crosses in front, land wide) for 8 Reps. 

7. Wide Heel Tap Squat Jumps

(start wide, hop & tap heels, land wide)

Home fitness inner thigh workout for woman

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Truth about abs

Hi guys TYDK is here welcome back to our site with happy, healthy and fit. Today we answering your questions about how to get abs, how to get that flat belly. That is the most common question we get. and lot of home fitness asked individual questions and so we put together a list of our most frequently asked abs question and we try to show answers with you base on our research.

So let talk about how to get abs and how to get that flat belly. the first question is are abs really made during a diet process? Maybe our answer will surprise you but its depend, why? because if exercise is not your primary thing that is if you are not performing as an athlete level and I mean athlete level think Olympic athlete and not just going to gym and putting in time on the elliptical, then yes diet is hugely important in fact that could be 90% of importance. Now if you’re an extreme athlete and your training at that level high-intensity, diet does become less important is true the stronger your working out the more intense working out if your training as an athlete level you can pretty much eat whatever you want and you still gonna have those abs and flat belly, that is true.

There are no particular requirements for this abs home fitness workout it can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. you just need to know how to properly perform the ab exercises involved and you will ready for get perfect six pack!

Abs home fitness workout plan

Perform Abs workout every second day for example Monday Wednesday and Friday for at least two weeks. Then you’ll be ready to perform the next level of this ab workout. you can also use home fitness equipment if you like too.

How this home fitness workout work

1. Working aerobically on your abdominal muscles for over 7 minutes stimulates the capillaries in this area. These in turn increase the blood flow. 

2. A greater blood flow means a greater flow of oxygen – and fat only burns in the presence of oxygen. 

3. Toned ab muscles need more calories (kcal) to stay active. Our organism tends to release these calories from the area near the active muscles. So it burns fat in that area.

Simple lower Abs home fitness workout (3 sets).

As requested, get ready to feel the burn. Notice threw out all the moves my lower back stays secure to the ground, don’t let it rise up. Do fewer reps if you need to, just don’t lose the integrity of your form you watch the video below. 

1. Reaching Knee In

(start with arms stretched overhead, knees bent in toward chest, extend legs & reach for sides of legs w/ your hands, shoulders come off ground when reaching, slow & steady) 10 Reps.

2. Reverse Crunches

(arms by side or bent up at 90 degrees like mine are, tap toes in ground, then bring knees in, slow & controlled) 10 Reps.

3. Alternating Leg Drop Hip Lift

(alternate dropping ea leg down to tap ground, then up into hip lift, notice my toes/legs are lifting straight up as possible, they are not coming back over my head or chest) 10 Reps.

4. Heel Taps

(hands behind head, shoulders & neck off ground whole time, tap heels together, legs at about 45 degrees) 15 Taps.

5. Single Side Bent & Straight Knee Ins

(hands behind head, shoulders & neck off ground, bent knee in then straight leg in= 1 rep) 8 Reps ea Side.

6. Big Scissors

(hands behind head, shoulders & neck off ground, control your kicks) 12 Reps.

7. Small Scissors

(hands placed under tail bone, shoulders & neck off ground, small kicks) 12 Reps.

8. Criss Cross Scissors

(everything same as number 7 except cross feet) 12 Reps.

Home fitness six pack abs for woman